Thursday, September 19, 2013


陰暗面這一詞彙,Carl Jung 用以形容人們年輕時會將消極模式和意念丟進潛意識裡,是因為我們不夠成熟至足以擁有它們。



與陰暗面和平共處並不是一件容易的事,因為自我意識 (ego) 並不樂見我們有任何不對之處,所以往往堅決反對任何負面特質的想法出現在我們身邊,這就是為什麼當事情發生時我們很容易去指責或拒絕承認。





日期:   待定

時間:   待定

帶領者:   Mark-Anup Karlsson
                 Sandra Gonzalez

地點:   待定               

語言:               英語 (如有需要將附以中文)

費用:               NT$9,800 /
報名及查詢,請聯絡Zenz Retreat +886 972 327 349 或電郵


Embracing the Shadow

Shadow is the term that Jung used to describe the negative patterns and beliefs that get thrown into the unconscious when we are young, simply because we are not mature enough to own them at that time in life.

The problem is that these patterns and beliefs are now out of balance and trapped in the unconscious.

If you could look at these patterns and beliefs as balls of energy, you would see that they are repressed and compressed and not being allowed full expression.

The effect of this causal action is that we then unconsciously magnetise to ourselves the very same negative behaviours that we despise in our own outer world.

Working with the shadow is not always easy because the ego doesn't want to see that there is anything wrong with us and so often vehemently opposes any idea that these negative traits that show up around us have anything to do with us at all which is why it is easy to go into blame or denial.

But using the popular notion that whenever there is a problem in our life; we are always there; helps us to realise that we do actually have everything to do with the problem.

The negative situations in our life are always and in all ways manifest from our own unconscious shadow patterns and beliefs.

The work, once past the ego, is extremely rewarding because once the pattern is brought into balance you no longer get to experience its negative attributes - you are completely free from it and it happens instantly. There is no waiting whatsoever, the entire world changes for you in an instance.

This workshop will teach you how to understand your shadow patterns and then how to literally transform them forever.

No experience is needed; all you need is a life with certain problems that you can't seem to shake and a desire to free yourself from them permanently.

Date:   TBA
Time:  TBA
Facilitators:    Mark-Anup Karlsson
                        Sandra Gonzalez

Venue:  TBA           

Language:      English (supplement with Chinese if necessary)

Fee:                 NT$9,800 per person
For booking and inquiries, please contact Zenz Retreat at +886 972 327 349 or email

Note: The cost is for the workshop only and doesn’t include food or snacks.  Time will be given each day for people to go out and eat.
我們很高興能在此正式對外宣布開啟愛工作坊將首次在台灣舉辦,開啟愛工作坊在杜拜,香港和倫敦等地獲得許多朋友非常正面的評價, Anup Sandra 將提供您難以置信的轉變體驗,將可以改變你的一生

Sandra and Anup

關於Sandra Gonzalez
Sandra 是一位天生具有醫療直覺的療癒師,也是工作坊及研討會的主導者和健康顧問。

爾布萊特 (Fulbright Scholar) 是長期研究自然健康者,Sandra 歷經25 年的學習與實踐,已開發自我的療癒系統。憑藉著她天賦的直覺,療癒和通靈才能,她主要的工作是幫助個人和小組的深入探究内心世界,以解開根深蒂固的情緒障 礙,帶領每個人的自我覺知意識達到更高的程度與突破過往少有的體驗歷程。


Mark-Anup Karlsson
Mark Anup Karlsson 歷經漫長的路,才能完全接受他自我療癒的力量和輔導能力。如今,他是一個天賦異稟的塔羅師和療瘉師,也擅長關於人際關係衝突,壓力管理,溝通技巧,個人和精神發展,以及意識和意識擴展的領域。 雖然,他喜歡一對一的諮詢,但他認為小組的活動是最有效的方式。 Karlsson 說:「如果一個人在小組中得到了實現或療癒,那整組也能得到療癒。」

Karlsson 在這個領域工作超過15 年, 已經發展出自己特有的風格,很容易被接受和理解。他喜愛娛樂聽眾,所以時常會把他的幽默帶到工作上,因為他真的相信它有能力進行深層的療瘉,再加上深知靈 性的核心是樂趣和歡笑。他認真的看自己很多年,絕不允許自己再這樣,因此,至今「放開」、「允許」的理念,常可以從他幽默的言談裡發現。

「正如我們所知道的,一切事物皆由能量組成,包括我們自己,」他說。 「振動能量最高的是愛。因此,經由持續的提高我們對愛的內部振動,將會如實的反映於我們的外在。 生活奇蹟般地改變,成為更流暢,快樂和豐富的表現形式。當我們對生活的感悟來自愛,它開始帶來 和平,和諧的關係,心智敏銳度,最終更推動我們落實於日常生活和工作,使我們能夠順利表達我們與生俱來的才華和能力。
